Manage signatures

How to list, inspect, and delete a signature on an artifact

List signatures on an artifact

Use notation list to show the signatures associated with an artifact.

notation list $IMAGE

The following example shows an artifact with one signature:

$ notation list $IMAGE
└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.v2.signature
    └── sha256:ba3a68a28648ba18c51a479145fca60d96b43dc96c6ab22f412c89ac56a9038b

Inspect a signature on an artifact

Use notation inspect to inspect the signatures of an artifact. For example:

$ notation inspect $IMAGE

Inspecting all signatures for signed artifact
└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    ├── sha256:1bf07b33089e65e9e83a780c7f405ba36aa4ef2b2fb031535cc6e89042ac0a0f
    │   ├── media type: application/jose+json
    │   ├── signature algorithm: RSASSA-PSS-SHA-256
    │   ├── signed attributes
    │   │   ├── signingScheme: notary.x509
    │   │   └── signingTime: Sun Jun 11 19:56:47 2023
    │   ├── user defined attributes
    │   │   └── (empty)
    │   ├── unsigned attributes
    │   │   └── signingAgent: Notation/1.0.0
    │   ├── certificates
    │   │   └── SHA256 fingerprint: 3f32321edede5df5bb02e88749217ef10c6c4ce8a5d62bb2136257a0ade6e832
    │   │       ├── issued to:,O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US
    │   │       ├── issued by:,O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US
    │   │       └── expiry: Mon Jun 12 18:56:09 2023
    │   └── signed artifact
    │       ├── media type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json
    │       ├── digest: sha256:111222333444555666777888999000aaabbbcccdddeeefff0001112223334445
    │       └── size: 942
    └── sha256:e503cadaa2ffee0272acc8ec1dcb4f737a7245b01491e86b9a382ca3fed88297
        ├── media type: application/cose
        ├── signature algorithm: RSASSA-PSS-SHA-256
        ├── signed attributes
        │   ├── signingScheme: notary.x509
        │   └── signingTime: Sun Jun 11 19:57:14 2023
        ├── user defined attributes
        │   └── (empty)
        ├── unsigned attributes
        │   └── signingAgent: Notation/1.0.0
        ├── certificates
        │   └── SHA256 fingerprint: 3f32321edede5df5bb02e88749217ef10c6c4ce8a5d62bb2136257a0ade6e832
        │       ├── issued to:,O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US
        │       ├── issued by:,O=Notary,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US
        │       └── expiry: Mon Jun 12 18:56:09 2023
        └── signed artifact
            ├── media type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json
            ├── digest: sha256:111222333444555666777888999000aaabbbcccdddeeefff0001112223334445
            └── size: 942

The output contains all the certificate information used for signing the artifact. You can use this information to validate the signing certificates and certificate chain.

The output also contains details about the artifact that was signed, such as the digest. You can use this information to confirm that the correct artifact was signed.

Delete a signature on an artifact

Use notation list to list signatures associated with an artifact. For example:

notation list $IMAGE
└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    └── sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111000fff000eee0000

In the above example, the digest of the signature is sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111000fff000eee0000.

Use the oras CLI to delete the signature with oras manifest delete. For example:

oras manifest delete --distribution-spec v1.1-referrers-tag localhost:5001/net-monitor@sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111000fff000eee0000
Are you sure you want to delete the manifest "sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111000fff000eee0000" and all tags associated with it? [y/N] y
Deleted localhost:5001/net-monitor@sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111000fff000eee0000

Confirm that the signature is deleted with notation list. For example:

notation list $IMAGE
localhost:5001/net-monitor@sha256:111222333444555666777888999000aaabbbcccdddeeefff0001112223334445 has no associated signature

The above example shows that the only signature associated with the artifact is deleted.

Last modified August 10, 2023 : refactor docs structure (4ec0ad9)